Saturday, September 28, 2024

AJ: Surgery Day and Recovery


Rachel and AJ's birth mom, Brittany, praying with AJ before surgery

I start with that picture because there is nothing quite like a mother's love; AJ is doubly blessed.

AJ arrived 6am for his 730am surgery time.  Check out his awesome hospital clothes...

He met with the surgeon who showed him where the incision would be.  He made her a Lego Doc yesterday, and she laughed when he gave it to her.  

Prayer time prior to the surgery...  AJ found encouragement in Jeremiah 29:11 "For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." 

Before they took him back, AJ asked if they would please allow him to have his Bible in the surgery room.  They agreed!  Amazingly, when he started waking up from the anesthesia the first thing he asked about was his Bible.  Rachel and Brittany said he was initially distressed that possibly his Bible had not been with him because it was "his foundation and protection."  They assured him it was by his feet wrapped in a sterile bag.  They showed it to him, and he relaxed.  Was so encouraging to us to see that the first thing AJ was thinking about after surgery was God's Word!  

Back to the morning....after meeting with the surgeon, he was off for what ended up being a 9+ hour surgery.... 

A number of times I have been the one at the hospital during.a surgical procedure and the old Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers song "The Waiting (Is The Hardest Part)" always comes to mind. 

During this wait, we got to reflect on and experience the amazing community we have supporting us...from our Adult Sunday School class setting up a meal train the past few weeks, to families from AJ's school anonymously showering AJ and our family with grocery and gift cards to help lighten the load, to gift baskets delivered to the hospital to NH friends showing up to support AJ and Rachel....

To AJ's football team sending their encouragement and prayers....

To Rachel's cousin Kenny and his wife Tess insisting that she and AJ fly instead of drive, getting the tickets for them and offering a place to stay at their home in Boston (not to mention feeding them delicious meals)...

To all the amazing text messages, emails, comments on the blog, and social media posts from friends here in America and all around the world...Israel, Australia, France, Uganda, Kenya, New Zealand, Germany, .... we are so thankful and humbled by our community and so thankful to God for His presence in and through our lives.  Thank you for caring about AJ and our family.  

Around 5pm the surgeon, Dr. Baird, came out to speak with Rachel and Brittany.  She said that the tumor had mostly been out since 1pm but that she did 2 more scans to check the margins and do the detail work that she hopes will prevent the tumor from growing back.  

Here is the tumor.  When I first saw it, I was confused by the picture.  The white shiny stuff is 'gauze' like material and the tumor is sitting on that material.  I always thought tumors were hard but this looks more like flesh or a small organ.  Whatever it is, it wasn't supposed to be in AJ's brain, and it is now OUT!  

Dr Baird said the tumor was the size of a large grape.  She said from her experience in seeing hundreds of tumors this one looks 'low grade'....meaning not malignant....but the final determination of the pathology of the tumor will be take about 4 weeks to determine.  When AJ heard later that the tumor was likely benign, he let out a "hallelujah" / "praise the Lord" kind of statement of thankfulness (as did we!).  

The surgeon went on to say he will be on seizure meds for a week.  If the tumor is low grade, then the next MRI will be in 3 months.  They will follow AJ with MRIs for 8 years as even  microscopic cells from this tumor can regrow and they want to make sure to catch it very early should that happen.  She said regrowth happens about 5% of the time; if it does grow back it is usually the same kind of tumor (ie low grade).  She specifically said for this type of tumor there was a 'miniscule' chance of it coming back as a dangerous tumor, and she was very confident that if it did come back that there were effective treatment options which she outlined during her talk with Rachel and Brittany.  In summary, AJ will get MRIs every 3 months for the first year.  Then every 6 months for the next year and then yearly for the last 6 years.  

PRAYER REQUEST: She spoke about checking for blindness in the left visual field and the initial test that the neurologist did after surgery showed that there was a significant blind spot on the left lower field of vision....

Rachel said when this doctor was doing this vision test, AJ needed to keep his eyes looking forward and then tell the doctor when he could see his fingers come into view. There was a significant difference between the lower left area versus other areas.

This morning the doctor came in and said "You're the only person where football has saved a life!" He continued to check his vision and there is definitely something going on here that is not normal.  AJ describes his vision as slow.  He said its kind of like scrolling through your phone's picture roll quickly but still recognizing that there are individual pictures being stitched together.  In addition, he is having difficulty seeing things up close.  So, please pray that the Lord would heal AJ's vision fully.  

Rachel asked the surgeon about how she does these 9 hour surgeries and she said that she does this pretty much every day so she is used to it.  She said AJs surgery was fairly short for her and said that she get breaks when they are doing the MRI scans (they did 3 of them during AJ's procedure).  I thank God that He makes people like this with such expertise, stamina, and precision!  

When AJ first came into recovery he was very groggy, but he told Rachel he wanted to take a 'sick' picture.  Here is is.  LOL...

I was expecting a bit of a shaved head, but check this out!  I'm sure AJ will be thrilled with this scar as his hair will cover it probably before he even gets back to school in a couple of weeks....

I have a brain picture but I think I need to check with AJ before posting that one!  

He is in good hands...Moms Hands and God's Hand

Prayer requests:
1. For AJ's vision to be fully restored
2. No infections
3. Excellent nurses and doctors making correct decisions on all aspects of his care.
4. Reduced pain

Thank you for your prayers.  

God bless,

Other Pictures / Items of Interest

AJ, back to being a teenager...

Rachel said AJ is obsessed with apple juice. He was asking if insurance covered the  surgery? She said yes. Then he said, “So you mean the apple juice was free? You must be so happy!” 

As happens sometimes due to drugs etc, his systems got backed up.  He said he really needed to pee, but he just couldn't go.  By the time they figured out a solution he filled a gigantic jug with urine that the nurse said was the most she had ever seen in a single discharge.  So proud!  LOL

A mother's love...

And, yes, AJ approved the brain picture....


  1. So excited. Praying for full recovery of vision and thrilled about the pee!

  2. So happy that he is through the surgery. Thank you for including me on the text messages and updates. Keeping AJ and your family in my thoughts and prayers. May each day bring more healing!!

  3. Fabulous news and we pray for complete healing of every part of his brain and eye sight. Sending much love to all.

  4. Thanks for updating us. Continue to pray.

  5. Praise God and the surgeon and team too!

  6. Praying for full healing, without infection and for AJ to be back to his fun loving self in no time. God Gave him the best family and he is in great hands. Praying also for his comfort as he recovers. Love the brain pics!!!

  7. Thank you for showing the rest of us how Faith, Family, and Friends gets us through our darkest times. AJ is a special young man. God Bless!

  8. Prayers continue for AJ and the Scott family along with AJ's birth mom. May God hold you in his arms and bring complete healing to a very special young man.

  9. Such wonderful news about the surgery. Our bodies are designed to also heal themselves, God's design. So now praying God will miraculously heal his vision or the amazing body we are gifted with begins to heal his vision. What amazing faith your AJ has. In lots of ways that is a miracle for a teenager ! God bless him. Hats off to the two loving Mums

  10. Jesus always watches over his children!!❤️❤️

  11. Prayers continue to be with you, all!

  12. We continue to pray for AJ’s complete recovery, his vision and the absence of any cancer cells now and in the future. Our God is great!!!


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